Internship & Fellowship Opportunities in Developing Countries


Following is a list of all OLAM partners that have internship or fellowship opportunities.

Click on the organization name to learn more about the opportunity.

Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village

F‍ounded in response to the orphan crisis caused by the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda, and modeled after the Israeli youth village Yemin Orde, ASYV empowers orphaned and vulnerable Rwandan youth to build lives of dignity and contribute to a better world.


An Israeli not-for-profit organization operating in East Africa that specializes in capacity-building, as well as knowledge and technology transfer initiatives - with a focus on agriculture, water, and nutrition.

Gabriel Project Mumbai

Gabriel Project Mumbai (GPM), a community-led development organization, creates innovative and comprehensive solutions to the problems of extreme poverty by working with vulnerable communities in urban slums and under-served

JDC Entwine

JDC Entwine is building a generation of young Jews who lead and live a life of action with global Jewish responsibility at its core. Entwine offers transformative global service and travel experiences, innovative educational programs, and tailored leadership development opportunities through which young people can explore, find meaning, and take action. Entwine is an initiative of JDC, the largest Jewish humanitarian organization in the world.

JDC Entwine offers three Fellowship opportunities:

NALA Foundation

An Israeli Public Health NGO specialising in the prevention of diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa with opportunities for interning in research, communications, and education teams. Internships would be based with the Israel team in Tel Aviv, and would be expected to be no shorter than 1-3 months.

Save a Child's Heart

Mending hearts regardless of race,  religion, gender, nationality or financial status. Their volunteer opportunities provide a behind-the-scenes look into the life-saving journey of the Save a Child's Heart patients.

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